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Alam Nasyrah (Al-Insyirah/Asy-Syarh)
Meaning: Expanded (the Breast) (Melapangkan)
Surah Number: 94 = 8 Verses   (Revealed at Mecca)   ▪ [94:8]

Alam nasyrah laka shadrak
[94:1] Have We not expanded for you your breast,
[94:1] Bukankah Kami telah melapangkan untukmu dadamu?,

Wawadha'naa 'anka wizrak
[94:2] And taken off from you your burden,
[94:2] dan Kami telah menghilangkan daripadamu bebanmu,

Alladzii anqadha zhahrak
[94:3] Which pressed heavily upon your back,
[94:3] yang memberatkan punggungmu?

Warafa'naa laka dzikrak
[94:4] And exalted for you your esteem?
[94:4] Dan Kami tinggikan bagimu sebutan (nama)mu,

Fa-inna ma'a l'usri yusraa
[94:5] Surely with difficulty is ease.
[94:5] Karena sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahan,

Inna ma'a l'usri yusraa
[94:6] With difficulty is surely ease.
[94:6] sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahan.

Fa-idzaa faraghta fanshab
[94:7] So when you are free, nominate.
[94:7] Maka apabila kamu telah selesai (dari sesuatu urusan), kerjakanlah dengan sungguh-sungguh (urusan) yang lain,

Wa-ilaa rabbika farghab
[94:8] And make your Lord your exclusive object.
[94:8] dan hanya kepada Tuhanmulah hendaknya kamu berharap.

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There are 8 verses in Surah Alam Nasyrah (Al-Insyirah/Asy-Syarh)

Tags: Alam Nasyrah (Al-Insyirah/Asy-Syarh) [94:8], The Koran, Expanded (the Breast), ot expanded for you your breast, QS, Al Insyirah (Alam Nasyrah/Asy Syarh) [94] : verse 2 [94:2] And taken off from you your burden, QS, Al Insyirah (Alam Nasyrah/Asy Syarh) [94] : verse 3 [94:3] Which pressed heavily upon your back, QS, Al Insyirah (Alam Nasyrah/Asy Syarh) [94] : verse 4 [94:4] And exalted for you your esteem?, QS, Al Insyirah (Alam Nasyrah/Asy Syarh) [94] : verse 5 [94:5] Surely with difficulty is ease, QS, Al Insyirah (Alam Nasyrah/Asy Syarh) [94] : verse, nationality human and society, pts-ptn.net
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